Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC, is a natural resource analytical, advisory, and asset management firm.
Who We Are
We are a team of Natural Resource and Oil, Gas and Energy Industry Analysts and Statisticians – Petroleum Engineering Technologists – Geographical Information System (GIS) Mapping, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Specialists – Regulatory Analysts and Operations Monitors and Inspectors – Oil and Gas and Surface Landmen and Mineral Managers – Oil and Gas Lease Analysts – Oil and Gas Division Order Analysts – Valuation and Appraisal Experts – Acquisition and Divestiture Specialists – Easement and Right-Of-Way Agents and Pipeline Specialists – Environmental Assessors and Inspectors – Graduate Professional Foresters and Biometricians – Land Managers and Planners – Litigation Consultants and Expert Witnesses – Researchers, Technical Writers and Editors – Technical Illustrators.
What We Do
We provide a wide range of multi-disciplinary professional services and solutions to a wide variety of clientele in the fields of oil, gas and minerals, land and energy resources, together with those in the geospatial and photogrammetric information mapping and management, environmental and regulatory, forest, timber and wildlife, business intelligence, research and development, and litigation consulting fields.
We help our clients research, identify, inventory, analyze, assess, value, acquire, manage, grow, protect, use and divest investments and assets wisely to maximize net income, preserve quality of life, and conserve our environment.

Serving land, mineral and royalty owners and investors is our calling. Stewardship is our business.
Who We Serve
We serve land, mineral and royalty owners and investors – exploration, production and transportation entities¹ – petroleum engineering, civil engineering, geodesy and surveying firms – energy sector securities analysts, fund managers and brokers – forest and timber landowners and products companies – state and local governments, municipally owned utilities and community water systems – banks and financing institutions – wealth management firms and trust companies – and law firms, accounting firms and related professional practices.

With our broad expertise, availability and technology, almost no place in the Lower 48 and Alaska is too far away.
Oil & Gas
Our work is particularly extensive in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi, including all the major basins and conventional and unconventional plays in those states.
Land & Surface
In the same way, we help land and surface owners deal with pipeline easements and rights-of-way, well site locations, wellbore easements and other surface matters, and address environmental and regulatory concerns that accompany such plays.
And we’ve been helping private timberland owners and forest products companies manage their special assets with our forest resource expertise for more than four decades, mostly in the Southern Gulf Coastal Plain.

You have situations to relate, questions to ask, problems to be solved and needs to be met.
Call , email or use this → contact form now to begin your first friendly solution conversation with a Resource Analytical Natural Resource Professional.
¹ Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC, generally limits the energy land and other services that we provide to exploration, production and transportation entities to only those services that are of non-transactional nature with the general public. While we do represent exploration, production or transportation entity clients in the acquisition and divestiture of mineral, royalty, mining or easement/right-of-way interests in real property from and to other such entities, we generally limit our transactional energy land and other services with the general public to representing only those clients who are land, mineral and royalty owner members of the general public, and those who are state and local government agencies, municipally owned utilities and community water systems.