Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC, provides petroleum engineering technology, technical support, research and development, geographical information system (GIS), photogrammetric and remote sensing, valuation and appraisal, non-transactional¹ energy land and title, and environmental assessment services to exploration, production and transportation entities, and petroleum engineering, civil engineering, geodesy and surveying firms.

Whether you lack the right staff with the right expertise, or just fall short on those who do, we fill those gaps whether long term project or just a day or two.

What We Do For
Exploration, Production & Transportation Entities¹
Petroleum & Civil Engineering, Geodesy & Surveying Firms
- Petroleum Engineering Technology
- Data Collection & Harvesting, Packaging & Analysis
- Applied Statistical Analysis
- Research & Development
- Oil & Gas Well, Unit & Play Production & Decline Statistical Analysis
- Regulatory Analysis & Monitoring
- Geographical Information System (GIS) & Photogrammetric Mapping, Coordinate System Conversion & Re-Mapping, Regulatory & Permit Mapping
- Asset Location, Identification, Inventory & Mapping
- Asset Title Research & Curative
- Land Records Harvesting
- Due Diligence
- Pipeline, Roadway & Surface Use Easement, Right-Of-Way & Servitude Analysis & Valuation
- Pipeline, Roadway & Surface Use Easement, Right-Of-Way & Servitude Construction Monitoring & Inspection
- Subsurface Easement / Wellbore Easement Analysis & Valuation
- Project Reconnaissance
- Surface Damage Monitoring, Inspection & Assessment – With Special Expertise In Timber & Vegetation Damage Assessment
- Environmental Site Assessment – Specializing In Environmental Oil & Gas Well Site Assessment
- Land & Surface Activity Monitoring & Inspection
- Litigation Support & Consulting
- Expert Witness

You have situations to relate, questions to ask, problems to be solved and needs to be met.
Call , email or use this → contact form now to begin your first, friendly, solution conversation with a Resource Analytical Natural Resource Professional.
¹ Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC, generally limits the energy land and other services that we provide to exploration, production and transportation entities to only those services that are of non-transactional nature with the general public. While we do represent exploration, production or transportation entity clients in the acquisition and divestiture of mineral, royalty, mining or easement/right-of-way interests in real property from and to other such entities, we generally limit our transactional energy land and other services with the general public to representing only those clients who are land, mineral and royalty owner members of the general public, and those who are state and local government agencies, municipally owned utilities and community water systems.